Tuesday 16 December 2014

Elements of Natural and Built Environment

ENBE Project 2 - Better Livable Town



For this project we try so hard but in the end lecturers said that was very bad. We put a lot of effort in it but we didn't realise that our town model shape is different with the master plan we draw. We face some problems that we can do what we imagine. We thought we can do the dome out,but in the end we fail so we changed it to pyramid shape. Although we got bad result in it, we still learn something and enjoy the process doing this model. 

I learned the basics of town planning.

We had to solve problems including which materials to be used for the model and also the content for the presentation boards.

As we have 5 members in our group, we had a discussions on how to improve our town after it was selected. We tolerated each others idea and finally concluded the final plan.